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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

  • We Love Letters!

    The Wilson County News welcomes letters to the editor on subjects of interest to its readers. Short letters are most likely to be chosen for publication, but the use of any material is at the discretion of the editor. Editing may be necessary for space and clarity or to avoid obscenity, libel, or invasion of privacy, but your ideas will not be changed. Letters do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or beliefs of this newspaper. Letters received by hard copy must include your signature. If sent by email (editor@wcn-online.com), include a daytime phone number so that we can call to verity your identity and that you intend for your comments to be published. All letters must include an address and phone number for our records, however, addresses and phone numbers will not be printed.
  • A valid email address is required or letter may not be published.